Flea and Tick Prevention… for Your Yard

 In Lawn Fertilization, Pest Control

Flea and Tick Prevention... for Your Yard

Keep Your Dog and Family Free From Pests like Mosquitoes, Fleas, Ticks, Mites and Ants

Flea and tick prevention for dogs is usually seen as a veterinary issue. But pests don’t just pop up on your dog, they come from many sources, including your lawn! Starting in May, all sorts of pests may start infesting your yard. Paramount’s Preventative Pest and Mosquito Control program will save your summer and make sure your whole family can enjoy the outdoors (pets, too!).

Fleas are bad enough outside, but when they hitch a ride inside on your dog, the problems get much worse. One female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, hatching hundreds of fleas in the course of a month. And fleas don’t discriminate who they bite: cats, dogs or human. The best treatment is definitely prevention.

Ticks are another pest we want to prevent. These parasites attach to pets and people, feeding off their host’s blood supply. Beyond being gross and difficult to remove, some ticks carry Lyme disease, a potentially dangerous and debilitating disease. Between 2012 and 2021, Ohio Lyme disease infections grew 780% to 590 human cases. The reason for this alarming growth is an explosion in the tick population. Again, prevention is much better than the treatment, so we want to eliminate ticks from your lawn.

Beyond Flea and Tick Prevention: Mosquitoes

Flea and Tick Prevention... for Your Yard

Can you imagine a summer outdoors without the bother of mosquitoes? There are so many things you could do, like gardening in the cool of the day, hosting a backyard barbecue or simply reading a book in your hammock. Paramount’s Preventative Pest Control program goes beyond fleas and ticks to control mosquitoes and other pests.

Mosquitoes are more than simple nuisances. They often carry heartworm larvae, which can infect dogs, cats and ferrets with parasitic worms. Heartworm prevention medications aren’t always 100% effective, so eliminating the risk of mosquito bites adds another layer of protection to your pet.

Mosquitoes are less of a health risk for humans in the Cincinnati area, although the Ohio Department of Health lists four diseases that are possible to contract from mosquitoes in our area.

Beyond Flea and Tick Prevention: Ants

Flea and Tick Prevention... for Your Yard

A customer called us with a problem: ants were destroying their patio by building an ant farm right under it! Ants were excavating the sand supporting the paver bricks. This created an unsightly, slippery mess. Over time, the paver patio would grow uneven and need to be re-set. These small insects could create a very big repair bill. Fortunately, we weren’t at that point yet. All we needed to do was eliminate the ants with our Preventative Pest Control Program and sweep away the excess sand.

Beyond Flea and Tick Prevention: Mites

Flea and Tick Prevention... for Your Yard

This bench is too occupied by mites for any human to want to sit on it! While we were helping our customer with their ant-infested patio, they asked if the treatment would send the mites packing and give them their patio sating back. Yes! Along with flea and tick prevention, our program treats for mites, ants and mosquitoes.

Let’s leave the forests and prairies for the pesky pests and take back our enjoyment of our yards! Learn more about how Preventative Pest Control protects people and pets. And when you’re ready to start enjoying your backyard, contact Paramount. Our next pest control round is just around the corner.


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