Aeration and Overseeding for Cincinnati Lawns

 In Lawn Fertilization

Aeration and Overseeding for Cincinnati Lawns

The Greenest Lawns’ Top Secret Service Happens this Fall

Are there a few lawns on your street greener and thicker than the rest? We know their secret. Aeration and overseeding for Cincinnati lawns is key for incredible lawn health. And the time to sign up for this service is now.

At Paramount Lawn + Landscape, we recommend aeration and overseeding in the fall, and we start visiting customers in August. Since we’ve had an unusually dry summer in the Cincinnati area, aeration and overseeding is an appropriate service for nearly every lawn this year (in some years, you can go every other year with this service).

Why Aeration and Overseeding Are Important After a Hot, Dry Summer

If your lawn hasn’t gotten enough water during the heat waves of summer, the soil will compress and contract. Stopped by both lack of nutrients and tough soil, turf roots won’t be able to grow deeply during the critical fall growing season. Aeration and overseeding combat this lawn-killing combination.

Aeration and Overseeding for Cincinnati Lawns

Aeration is the process of poking small, regularly-spaced holes into the soil. The greater Cincinnati area has thick, clay soil that is prone to compaction. When the soil compacts, there’s no room for air, water and roots. As the sprinkler system runs or it rains, water will pool on the surface instead of soaking into the ground. The heat of summer compounds this problem, as water evaporates. Aeration is the solution, as it gives turf room to grow.

Overseeding is spreading grass seed directly on top of your turf. It germinates and grows without having to dig any additional holes. Over the course of a hot, dry summer, some turf may grow dormant or die (if it isn’t watered, or the water can’t reach the roots due to compaction of the soil). Overseeding helps fill in these bare spots both during the fall growing season and the main spring growing season the following year.

Aeration and Overseeding for Cincinnati Lawns:
The Paramount Difference

We start aeration and overseeding lawns around August and continue through October. We’re confident that our service is the highest quality you’ll find in the Cincinnati area (because we want you to love your lawn!). We take our time to make sure your lawn is setup for success. Three elements set us apart:

  1. Double-pass aeration: We know Cincinnati’s tough soils, so we make sure to break up those clods and thatch
  2. High-quality seed: We use Premium Fescue seed
  3. Starter fertilizer: We feed the seed with a kick-start of fertilizer

For more tips on achieving a lush lawn, check out our Lawn Fertilization Resources. We cover all kinds of lawn care, including:

  • Aeration and overseeding
  • Fertilization know-how
  • Weed management, from dandelions to crabgrass
  • Pest management of pesky and damaging insects

Contact Paramount Lawn + Landscaping to get on the schedule for aeration and overseeding. When the rain returns in force, your lawn will be ready to benefit!


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