Lawn Fertilization – Timing Is Crucial
With landscaping and lawn fertilization, timing is crucial. The ever-changing winter weather can often make it difficult to decide when to start preparing your lawn for the spring and summer. Fertilizing, preventing weeds, and controlling grubs are the keys to a beautiful lawn.
However, as with most things, timing is the key. Fertilizing too early, before the last frost, would be a wasted effort – the root system won’t reap the benefits. Fertilizing too late could also be detrimental as it will not provide the nutrients that your lawn needs in order to achieve the best results.
The best time for lawn fertilization in the spring depends mainly on the type of grass you have and the weather. It’s important to wait until after winter’s last frost before prepping the lawn. This doesn’t mean that you have to immediately have your lawn fertilized after the last freeze, but when soil temperatures warm up and the grass starts growing it is generally a good time to start working on your lawn. In our region, March is typically the best time to begin caring for your lawn.
Paramount is currently signing up new customers, and re-signing with existing customers, for our 2015 Fertilization Program. Get on the schedule early to ensure your lawn gets the nutrients it needs, when it needs them!