Get Rid Of Those Bagworms!

 In Tree and Shrub Care

If you have noticed strange, brown sacks hanging from your trees and shrubs, then you have Bagworms. Bagworms are a type of caterpillar that feed mostly on evergreens.

They build a protective sack around their bodies, which is how you can spot them on your plants. Bagworms eat a lot and reproduce in large numbers. This is bad news for your evergreens as they can quickly devour all of the foliage, and in most cases the tree or shrub cannot recover from having all of its foliage removed. It is crucial to eliminate bagworms as soon as you notice them in order to prevent serious damage and to keep your plants alive.

Timing is crucial when you are treating bagworms. Paramount Lawn + Landscape has a program that will help to eliminate these pests from your trees and shrubs. Call today for a free quote!

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